Using its seeds to educate about the tomato


Publication of the book Sapiens del tomate with Ferran Adrià and elBullifoundation

In 2020, Semillas Fitó will celebrate 140 years of specialization in vegetable seeds and we have undertaken a commitment to educate society about the tomato, a fruit for which there is a wide offer on the shelf, but whose nuances and possibilities people are often unaware of.

To this end, we have teamed up with Ferran Adrià and elBullifoundation to create the book Sapiens del tomate. The book, which will be released in October, will be part of Ferran Adrià's 'Bullipedia', the first great encyclopaedia on gastronomy, creativity and innovation; and it will offer an example of our agronomic knowledge together with the gastronomic experience of elBullifoundation to explain the evolution of the tomato.

The project aims to be one more step along our path towards the continuous transformation of the agro-food industry at the seed level and contribute new valuable knowledge to society as a whole.

We are committed to this iconic product, one of the most used in the Mediterranean diet, of which more than 5,000,000 tonnes are produced each year, and we work more than 30 typologies: small varieties, of different shapes, sizes and colours, highly appreciated by farmers since they respond to the demands of a market which is crying out for varieties with a lot of flavour and which are productive.

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