Collaboration agreement with the Spanish Association of Golf Courses (AECG)


This week we signed a collaboration agreement with the Spanish Association of Golf Courses.

 Claudia Hernández, President of the Spanish Association of Golf Courses, and Josep Cirera, Director of Turfgrass at Semillas Fitó, were responsible for signing the two-year agreement, making Semillas Fitó one of AECG’s most important partners in this area and with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of the golf sector in Spain.

 As Josep Cirera stated: “We believe the association does admirable work in defending such as strategic sector in Spain as tourism in general, and golf-related tourism and sport in particular”.

 Claudia Hernández, for her part, stressed that, “this agreement emphasizes our commitment to defending the business interests of Spanish golf, even more so in these tough times. Agreements such as this demonstrate the unity and collaboration of the sector, and we are convinced that this is the only way to get out of this crisis”.

 At Semillas Fitó we hope to we can continue to contribute our experience and knowledge, through this new agreement, and to help build better and, above all, more sustainable golf courses.



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